Our author Carolin Hristev was awarded the Betty Reis Book Prize in Solingen on 1 September 2022 for her youth novel “keiner zwischen uns” (No one between us).
The Betty Reis Book Prize has been awarded annually since 2020 for a children’s or youth book that aims to convey humanity and tolerance.

This young adult novel is about Nelson, Hamza and Marie and a school trip that changes everything.
Finally, the time has come – a class trip! Nelson almost can’t wait, because aren’t class trips the perfect opportunity to turn two normal classmates into a couple? He can’t get his new classmate Marie out of his mind. But suddenly everything turns out differently, and not only his chance with Marie, but also Nelson’s friendship with Hamsa is at stake…
Just when Nelson thought his friend Hamsa was trying to steal Marie away from him, Hamsa tells him he is gay. Worst of all, Ibo knows about it. Should Nelson save his own skin or stand by his best friend?
And that’s not the only problem the friends and the class have to deal with.